Founded in 2021
It started in 2021 when I was scrolling on my phone. Why couldn't I find affordable clothing? It was either expensive or really cheap with low quality goods.
Then I just started Fashion Nora from home. I started selling good quality clothing for a fair price. As more people started to get to know Fashion Nora I knew it was time to start building a team.
And now we are here. Selling Fashion Nora products in Australia via my online shop.

Our team and products
Our team currently consists of 6 members including myself. We have a small warehouse where we store all of our products and are a close team running the Fashion Nora brand.
Currently we are selling women fashion and we are mainly focussed on dresses and jumpsuits, jackets and coats, shoes and sports- and loungewear.
Soon we are launching our new collection of clothing and collections for our Fashion Nora brand. Stay tuned!
Contact details
Business address:
Fashion Nora Co., Limited
Suite C, Level 7, World Trust Tower, 50 Stanley Street
Hong Kong
+61 5 2562 1328
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8am- 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: 10am - 3pm
Australian Business Number (ABN):